Monday Friends:
Meets after 9:30am morning Mass in the Parish Centre for coffee and gentle exercise!
The SVP does remarkable work throughout the world, seeking out, helping and supporting those in most need. It is a ministry of lay people who seek to put into daily action the Gospel teaching of the Lord to meet Him in the poor and needy. In our Parish the group is quite small but does remarkable work and has a great support form the people of the Parish.
Our Parish School also has Mini Vinnies a group which, according to age appropriate actions, seeks to give practical help and support to others. It is a wonderful and concrete leaning experience for you children in the daily application for the Lord's own teaching.
Please consider joining or supporting the work of our SVP.
Lord of tenderness and compassion, grant you us Your children the outpouring of Your grace.
May we serve You in and through our sisters and brothers in need that we may know the joy of service and grow in love.