St. John the Baptist

Catholic Youth Events in the UK

Our Faith for you activities extend a vibrant youth movement within our Church

The Youth in our Church

Our Catholic Church has a vibrant and active social calendar. One that enables the youth of our Church to explore and encounter the risen Christ in an environment which encourages expression, fellowship and joy. Encountering Jesus in a way previously unseen by many within the Parish.
A unique Catechism for our young people

More for our youth...

Youth 2000 - Discover why faith works for young people...

Our Weekend festivals, retreats and missions provide the opportunities for you to encounter the love of God in a fun setting. Receive the grace of conversion and to begin living life as the person God created you to be.
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Next World Youth Day 2022 - Portugal

World Youth Day (WYD) is a worldwide encounter with Pope Francis. This is celebrated every three years in a different country. The previous WYD was celebrated in Panama on January 22nd  2019.

WYD is available to all young people who want to take part and share in a festive encounter with Jesus Christ, amongst other likeminded young people. Groups are connected via parishes and organisations within the UK. 

Flame 2021  - Join the UK Catholic youth

The largest Catholic gathering of young people in England and Wales, the Flame Congress! Find out more:
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